Baking Planner — Home with Littles

How are you hanging in there?

We’re in week four of Groundhog’s Day here in Cincinnati, and I still have these moments - several times a day - where I think “This isn’t real.  This cannot be real.”

I’ll make this quick - because, to be honest, my writing mojo seems to be on quarantine as well.

No matter - my baking mojo, usually reserved for the holidays, has been resurrected.  Yours? I’ve noticed a ton of people baking, and probably trying all kinds of things they’ve never attempted.  I have so many things I want to try - and my memory’s so shot from stress and the weirdness of this entire situation - that I have to write them all down.


I made myself this fillable baking planner, and thought you might like it too.  

The download also includes a meal planner - don’t know about you, but with grocery runs being extremely limited (as well as supplies), I have to be much more strategic about how we’re using our food.  I also try to keep as much variety as possible since so many other elements of our day are static.

You can download them here (you might want to read about privacy first).

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