Those little hands + feet! Those curly heads! The hugs, kisses, cuddles, and tiny voices!
Good gawd, if only you could bottle it all up and save some for later.
But sometimes figuring out what to do with them - that isn’t a Curious George marathon or coloring (again) - can feel like such a #parentingfail. Especially when you need some DAMN SLEEP.
Two hours and 2000 playdough recipes later (it has to be The One), you look at the clock and it’s...11:30 PM??!!
And you still don’t have anything planned for tomorrow.
And the weather’s supposed to suck, so you can’t just hit the park.
And come 7:00 am, unless you get something figured out, your day’s gonna go something like this:
To top it off, your supermom friend seems to have it all figured out (thanks a bunch, Instagram).
She didn’t just buy the Design Sponge book, she did some of the damn projects and now her kids’ rooms look like they're on Apartment Therapy.
When she's done Design Sponge-ing, she throws some applesauce-less Lulu Lemons over that sculpted ass, puts her cute babies into the Bob, and skips behind it with a latte in her hand, never spilling a drop.
Or at least you’re pretty sure that’s how it all goes down.*
Oh, hey. We woke up like this, and were out the door before 8:30. On a Saturday. Can you say "stroller" in French, honey?
*It doesn’t. Being a mom ain’t for candy asses. Supermom friend hasn’t washed her hair in 6 days because hair time has been replaced with under-eye concealer time because one of those cute babies hasn’t slept through the night for 8 weeks straight.
Psst: You're a supermom. Just ask your kids.
Psst: You're a supermom. Just ask your kids.
It’s usually with things you already have on hand
You get a downloadable, printable version of each activity to hang on the fridge & follow along
They’re designed with a purpose - to encourage important things like motor skills, imagination, and independence.
The activities are mostly geared for toddlers through kindergarten, but we include modifications for your older and younger birdies.
Planning tools
Product reviews
Deep thoughts
“The quickest way for a parent to get a child’s attention is to sit down and look comfortable.”
No joke. Studies from around the world have shown over and over that music enhances social and emotional development, and gives them an edge in areas like math, language and literacy.
Giving your kid the gift of music doesn’t have to mean expensive instruments, shuttling them from lesson to lesson, forcing them to practice, or even leaving the house. All you really need is some imagination and desire.
That’s why I include musical activities with your bundle. They’re designed to be easy, to use whatever you have on hand, and to spark imagination and creativity. I won't tell anyone you had a blast doing interpretive dance with scarves.
After seeing my oldest little bird flourish at her Constructivist/Montessori pre-school (the one I love so much that I blubbered at her end-of-year parent/teacher meeting), I’m a believer.
In a nutshell, it’s a scientifically proven method of teaching + caring for kids that fosters independent & creative thinking and problem solving.
Kinda the stuff you’d want to cultivate in your kids if you fantasize about their future with Google/Pixar/Stanford/TED talks.
So the activities you’ll get are largely about the process, not a specific outcome.
Translation: you ain’t gonna have a lot of cutesy stuff to hang on the wall. But you will have fun with your littles, boost their creativity and build their confidence.
Each activity comes with a short explanation of how it benefits your littles’ development so you can start to get the hang of Montessori and apply it everywhere else you see fit.
I'm what you might call multi-passionate. I love good design. And organization. And planners, food, illustration, and politics. So in addition to an activity each month, you'll also be getting things like recipes for whatever's being served at Cafe Dukic, planning tools I've developed, or things I think are cool. Whatever it is, I want it to be good, and I want it to be useful to you.
No catch. I just enjoy creating things, and I want to share. As long as you're on my list, you'll be getting goodness. For free.