October's over, which means it's time for your one-woman show, aka the #bestestever holiday season!
Don't get me wrong, the holidays are beautiful, magical, all that. I love them. But somehow I always forget the pain of the previous year. Like literal pain, in my feet. From standing in the kitchen and baking/cooking for 10 hours straight.
But, this year I've got a secret ingredient. No, it's not gin. Geez.
It's okay if you buy the pies at Costco. And pay to have the presents wrapped.
It's a holiday planner.
Did you know a bundle of free goodies could be yours--every month? It's true!
When you're a member of Home with Littles (it's F-R-E-E), you free good stuff every month. Including this sweet little sanity saver (the planner. THE PLANNER).
The November bundle includes:
- 12-page holiday planner
- Shoe Hunt (activity)
- Morning Drive playlist
Here's a little peek: